Seamless Email Marketing

Email Verification & Append
Email Deployment and Reporting
Transfer Lists for Email Depoyment
Email List Segmentation​

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    To Turn Data Into Dollars!

    List Hygiene & Enhancement & Campaign Management Solutions for Email Marketers

    Welcome to Data Services, your complete Email Marketing Services Provider, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions to enhance your email campaigns from start to finish. We cover everything from Email Verification & Append to Broadcasting & Campaign Management.

    Email Address Hygiene: Improve the Quality of Your Email List

    In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, maintaining a clean and effective email list is crucial for successful communication and email marketing campaigns. DSI’s Email Address Hygiene service addresses various data quality issues, allowing you to enhance the quality of your list, identify undeliverables, and gain better control over your email marketing efforts.
    • Isolation of Domain Parts for in-depth analysis
    • Syntax/Format Verification and Top Level Domain Verification
    • Identification and/or Correction of misspelled, missing, or invalid Subdomains or Top Level Domains
    • Duplicate Email Address Identification based on client-defined logic
    • Identification of International, Cellular, Temporary (Throw Away) Domains
    • Domain Verification with real-time MX record lookups
    • Open Flag Processing for recent email activity

    Email Broadcasting: Elevate Your Email Marketing Efforts

    DSI’s Email Broadcasting service provides a complete solution for any email campaign. Customizable and efficient, this service offers a full range of campaign types, detailed reporting, and support to ensure no detail is overlooked.

    • Marketing/Prospecting Campaigns, Newsletters, Announcements
    • Outbound Message Throttling
    • Delivery Time Pre-scheduling
    • Reporting: Soft and Hard Bounces, Opens, Click-through Rates, Unsubscribe Rates
    • List Unsubscribe Management

    Email/Reverse Email Append: Expand Your Reach

    Email Append: Have a customer’s postal address but need to communicate via email? Our Email Append service seamlessly integrates email communication into your marketing strategy, boosting customer retention and cross-sells at a fraction of the cost of direct mail.

    Reverse Email Append: If you have an email but lack a name or postal address, our Reverse Email Append service can enrich your data by adding names and postal addresses, expanding your communication capabilities.

    Call us at (410) 546-2206 to schedule a LEX Demo Now

    Interested in optimizing your list rental file or exploring our list rental services? 

    Let Data Services be your partner in achieving unparalleled efficiency and quality in List Rental Fulfillment.

    Get a Free Consultation & Free Data Quality Test.

    About Us
    Founded in 1967, Data Services provides U.S. and Canadian Database Management, Data Quality, Data Enhancement and Email Services to Direct & Data-Driven Marketers.
    Contact Us
    318 West Carroll St, Suite A, Floor 2
    Salisbury MD, 21801

    +1(410) 546-2206